Home Great Brook School Great Brook School Students Show Respect for Others During “Random Acts of Respect” Game

Great Brook School Students Show Respect for Others During “Random Acts of Respect” Game

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Superintendent Kimberly Rizzo Saunders and Principal Adam Caragher are pleased to share that Great Brook School students recently participated in a “Random Acts of Respect” (RAoR) game to practice the core value of Respect.

During the two weeks before the holiday break, GBS students participated in Random Acts of Respect (RoAR), a game in which classrooms competed to complete the most random acts of respect within the school and the greater GBS community.

Leading up to this special event, students used the time in their advisory classrooms to discuss and come up with ideas of what respect looks like to them as individuals and as a group. The goal was not only to help define the concept but to create a community standard for students to achieve.

During advisory, students received missions from a randomized computer program that assigned them to a group of people, including another student, a friend they knew well, staff, etc.; a location, including the hallway, cafe, classroom, etc.; and a task, such as “initiate a conversation with,” “include or invite,” “listen to without interrupting,” “show appreciation to,” “assist with something,” or “greet by name” that they then would have to complete.

At the end of the event, students had performed a total of 885 acts of respect. Mathematics Teacher Sue Ketchum’s advisory class was recognized for having the highest average of random respect acts per student.

All students were given a “Token of Respect” to remind them of the importance of these actions and the positive impact they have on their community.

“Through the RAoR game, students were encouraged to consider others and do little things to help the school community,” said Principal Caragher. “This event was not only a way for students to practice the Core Values of GBS in their daily lives, but it served as a way to make showing respect for others fun and illuminated the importance of being kind. We are very proud of our students for their enthusiastic participation and we cannot wait to see random acts of respect continue throughout the year.”

Mathematics Teacher Sue Ketchum’s advisory class was recognized for having the highest per-pupil average of random respect acts. (Photo Courtesy ConVal School District)
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